
I love that line from Alfred, he’s flat out stating that this is the first time Bruce Wayne has ever existed since the murder of his parents. That there has only been Batman, only been the mission, only the drive. Batman was a tragedy that could only ever end in death, and so Bruce Wayne lived, while Batman died.

And they’re still terrible. If a third person shooter came out with the updated controls today it would be absolutely roasted by critics.

I don’t know where they got their information from as his IMDB information only pegs about eight voice roles, and none of them are particularly impressive. You’re also using 30 Rock, a satire, as evidence of your point. You want proof? Listen to his performance as his signature character in the Game of Thrones games,

While I doubt Dinklage was interested in the role for anything more than a paycheck, it is flat out bad acting. Voice acting and screen acting are two very different things, you have to pack all of your physical expression into your voice because you can’t rely on the animation as most of the time it’s either not

Do we really have to have articles about this dipshit? He doesn’t like a game, whoop dee doo.

Do Jet Force Gemini’s controls really translate so poorly to the Xbone controller? Man, I loved that game when I was a kid and I don’t remember having a whole hell of a lot of trouble with the controls. The aiming was a little finicky, that much is true, but I don’t remember having any major troubles.

I think I’ll be cancelling my psn+ membership. The games aren’t enough to keep me subbed and I don’t own enough ps4 games with multiplayer.

Hopefully they have them in all colors, as I’m intending to visit New York next year and bring at least a few pairs in varying colors home.

This is a stupid question, but do the PSN+ and Gold cards work across the border? I’m Canadian and I know that money cards don’t work, but what about the membership cards?

This is a stupid question, but do the PSN+ and Gold cards work across the border? I’m Canadian and I know that money

I hate to be the guy who says this, as there’s very little I wouldn’t do for another Chrono Trigger, but three entries in the series already exist. Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamer and Chrono Cross.

Now how about they work with them to remake the restored content mod into something that isn’t a streaming shit pile of content that is quite obviously made by fans who have no business making it?

So, uh, yeah, this is a poorly written, reserached and conceived article.

I’d be pretty pissed with it too were I in Lucasfilm and Disney’s shoes. Amy Schumer is a classless idiot who isn’t even a tenth as funny as people make her out to be. She’s crude, childish, pedestrian and stupid. She’s like a female George Lopez, only slightly less racist.

Different type of game, stupid to even compare the two.

I would invest in this, but without the multiplayer it’s a waste of time. I got more enjoyment out of that then I did in the campaigns of all three games. The UC series is a mediocre slog through action set pieces, and the third is downright awful. They’re popcorn action flicks with no substance.

Uncharted 3 was terrible.

Filler is content used to artificially extend the length of a game. Optional content is not filler, Arkham Knight’s main campaign is as precise and to the point as intended. Therefore, you’re a dipshit.

I knew it wouldn’t actually happen, which is a shame, really, as Clark has more chemistry with his jeans than he does with Diana.

Well yeah, what did you expect? This is a company run by a guy who decided it was okay to hire a bunch of graffiti artists to paint a wall near his house simply because he had money and lived near the wall. Of course he paid local news stations to cover it, and then when it was removed by the city he made a big stink

Side quests are not filler, dipshit.