
Part of me hopes that this is just the first in a series of Batgirl expansions. The majority of me expects this is it and Rocksteady and WB are out to screw people out of money on DLC that isn’t worth the price of admission.

Hoping for a good Playstation TV deal.

Hoping for a good Playstation TV deal.

Yeah, that climactic final scene where you save the day? I remember being all “Wait, what’s going on? Oh, shit, seriously? THis is crazy!”

Even if it does happen, we’re not actually going to enter a mini ice age. At the absolute worst it’ll be a few years of shitty weather.

Something being a figure of speech doesn’t somehow make it immune to being pointed out as untrue.

Not being contrary. You stated it was funny that people have varying opinions, which it’s not. That’s kind of one of the fundamentals of life.

I mean “No, it’s not funny that two people have differing opinions.”


That last scene is pretty bad ass, even if I know this is going to be an over produced pile of dog shit a la Man of Steel.

Well yeah, but she’s still a six foot three inch tall woman with a somewhat hulking frame. She’s supposed to be able to stand next to physical behemoths like Superman and Batman and still look imposing. Gal Gadot doesn’t look particularly threatening.

Well, that did literally nothing to make me want to see it.

I’m not sure I would call Dorian the best character in the Inquisition, I’d call him the second worst right above Iron Bull. That’s not an insult, though, as Inquisition excelled with its characters beyond any BioWare title since ME2.

I dunno, attacking the big kid always worked out for me. In my case the biggest bully on the playground was always used to being the biggest. They were often completely inexperienced in actual fights, instead used to simply shoving people around to get their way. I was bullied a decent amount in elementary school as I

I wish to buy this, however if they do release it I know it’ll be waaaay too expensive.

I have Pillars of Eternity on my PC... I should play that.

Pewdiepie gets hate because he’s a talentless piece of shit who gets paid for being a talentless piece of shit. He’s the Kim Kardashian of youtube.

To even assert that the Nemesis system belonged on Arkham Knight is ridiculous. It was quite literally one of the dumbest articles ever posted on kotaku, which is saying a lot.

Probably for the best, David Cross is about as funny as a colonic irrigation.

That’s all well and good, but it probably would have been better to just give him an ass kicking or two by opponents he should have outclassed to drive the point home instead of fundamentally altering him as a character. Continuing with Spider-Man as the example, Spidey always tends to struggle against stronger

Am I the only one who finds this new Superman incredibly boring? He’s not a character I look for to read books about a superhero struggling to do great things with limited powers, consistently punching about his weight class. If I want that I read Spider-Man.