Josh Kaufman

I actually used this method to learn how to code (Ruby/Sinatra) for the book – it's the same process. The most difficult parts were (1) figuring out how to set up the programming on my computer, (2) learning basic concepts, like variables, objects, and methods, and (3) deciding which program to work on first. I was

Hi, Eddie - I actually developed this method independent of Tim. (Didn't read "4 Hour Body/Chef" until after The First 20 Hours was finished.) It's fascinating to see the the similarities, as well as the differences, in each strategy.

Cynicism aside: every new brain surgeon starts with zero experience. Anything that helps them through those critical first few hours of practice is a good thing.

Exactly – it's a method for learning something new, and going from knowing absolutely nothing to performing reasonably well. Once you make it through the early frustrations, it's easier to keep going.

There's an old saying: "Jack of all trades, but master of none... is oftentimes better than master of one."