Optometrist Prime

Look, all I'm saying is, if these big stars didn't want people going through their garbage and saying they're gay, then they shouldn't have tried to express themselves creatively.

I saw it the first weekend it was out at a theater in Ft. Wayne, Indiana with my then girlfriend. She was enthralled with the lap dance scene. In retrospect, that should have been a sign.

*furry strip

Aren't we all?

I think he was asking what body part.

I say Attack of the Clones sucked more.

Good luck talking to Jake from State Farm after this.

How the hell do you talk about the golden age of TV animation but not even mention Gargoyles?

You know me, I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my French kings FLAMING.

Wow, great article. This stuff is oddly facinating to me. I was one of those kids ordering alternative cds.

So sad. He had some great years with the Knicks.

"Or at least what's spoken in Quebec. .."

Two words: Cancelation Bear. Eight words: is an account on Twitter you should follow.

I'm hoping all this means that a Frank Burly series is in the works.

Yes, clearly Utahraptors given their enormous size, but the name doesn't sound scary at all. It conjures up images of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Velociraptor sounds scarier but would not have been scary at all.

Where are the feathers and the outrage at the lack of feathers? Do these people even watch Dinosaur Train?

Can't be Yoda. He has five toes.

That's Rand Paul's campaign slogan.

I was hoping this would take place in the same universe as My Girl and Macaulay Culkin would be cast as the yellow jacket.

*angrily tears up movie script featuring fight scene between Jimmy Haslip and Stuart Leslie Goddard*