
As of this recent episode, I agree, Felicity clearly knows something's up (okay, so she basically said that out loud, but whatever). I feel like it wasn't as clear in the previous episode though. Nice to see the writers aren't taking us for complete fools.

I noticed this in Elementary a few weeks back. I'm wondering how popular those things actually are… I mean so many fiction characters are using them, they must be good right? If not, then I may have to question my commitment to Bing as well…

I noticed this in Elementary a few weeks back. I'm wondering how popular those things actually are… I mean so many fiction characters are using them, they must be good right? If not, then I may have to question my commitment to Bing as well…

I had trouble with this episode, simply because we're being asked to root for Thea, who through most of the episode is nothing but a brat.

I had trouble with this episode, simply because we're being asked to root for Thea, who through most of the episode is nothing but a brat.

The bagel thing seemed weird to me to, but then I remembered that Harvey is something of a legendary figure at the firm and Rachel had never really interacted with him in that way before, so I can understand if she'd act a little flummoxed around him. She'd probably do the same with Jessica. I think once she gets a

No, just the end credit songs.

He made both Portal songs…

To borrow a phrase from a so-so sci-fi actioner staring Will Smith; Felicity has to be 'the dumbest smart person I have ever met'.

Not a great deal of laughs this episode, but Barney turning his living room into a wedding in less than 30 seconds was pretty fun. Kinda vintage Barney over-reaction, I liked it.

Loved the episode, but Donna's entire ice-cream speech won for me. They really need to make the Donna Paulson spin off show, just 30 minutes of her being her.

Like every single store with their own 'policy' on refunds and exchanges. I live in the UK and there are laws governing what a shop can and cannot do in terms of refunds and exchanges, but most shops still have their own policy, which they think they can throw in peoples faces because they don't want to give your

Or even stick something in the credits… no, that would mean being nice to the little guy you just screwed over. Part of me would like to believe this is the work of the Fox legal department (because Fox has a stellar record with being nice to the little guy) but really, it appears to be more and more that the people

“this was their general policy in regards to covers of covers”
Translation: You're not special, princess. We've screwed over plenty of people before.

Yes and no.

Hmm, a Tennis Ball training montage comes to mind…

I'm not sure it deserves a name like The Bounce… when Ollie missed, it landed like a shot-put being dropped from a table, very little bounce in it.

"Would it have killed Oliver to include Diggle in the list of people he cares about while he was actually talking to Diggle? That just seems like a major sidekick faux pas."

So…totally didn't even notice it was Mark Paul Gosselaar until the restaurant scene.

I like how Ryan calls George "Mr Alt-man" with the same inflection as Spider-man or Superman. Just a nice touch.