
Yeah, it's… really not.


I'm exceptionally happy that this episode of Elementary could hold my attention as much as any other episode without there being a "mystery" as such to solve. Goes to show that the this series relies more on characters than it does individual plots.

After watching the episode, it's actually difficult to tell what happened to make the bus suddenly jerk to one side and tip.

I did watch out for it while watching the episode and the link I can see (and what I feel the reviewer is referring to) is that later on in the episode Proctor tells Hood to come by his meat plant, he'll give him some steaks.

I had lamented (reservedly) in the past that the suspects in these cases were somewhat predictable (as is the case in most procedurals, the murderer is usually the first new person the police question who is cleared almost immediately only to be revealed as the murderer during an 11th hour revelation).

An episode of HIMYM involving 3 Buffy alums, I couldn't be happier.

An episode of HIMYM involving 3 Buffy alums, I couldn't be happier.

Felicity's identification of the arrow was even more incredulous since it apparently took a simple search in Bing (and I'm not even being disparaging to Bing here, had she done it through Google like a normal person, it still would have been oddly fast and convenient) and a she'd gotten the website of the company that

Felicity's identification of the arrow was even more incredulous since it apparently took a simple search in Bing (and I'm not even being disparaging to Bing here, had she done it through Google like a normal person, it still would have been oddly fast and convenient) and a she'd gotten the website of the company that

Twist ending: this all happened thousands of years ago. I'm calling it.

Twist ending: this all happened thousands of years ago. I'm calling it.

Not really the big problem, if everything had evolved to kill us (a process that would have taken thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years), it would take just as long for them to "evolve out of it" if you will. How long have the humans been gone from Earth, a few years? Decades? Centuries? Not enough time for

Not really the big problem, if everything had evolved to kill us (a process that would have taken thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years), it would take just as long for them to "evolve out of it" if you will. How long have the humans been gone from Earth, a few years? Decades? Centuries? Not enough time for

I guess you finally made a monkey…

I guess you finally made a monkey…

Ryan's "Adopted" hissy was kind of the greatest thing I'd seen all week. It doesn't take much to amuse me it seems, but just his delivery of that word over and over again was great.

Ryan's "Adopted" hissy was kind of the greatest thing I'd seen all week. It doesn't take much to amuse me it seems, but just his delivery of that word over and over again was great.

When they all decided to go get dinner at grannies and Henry says bye to Regina, I had the exact same thought as Rumplestiltskin…"You're not going to ask Regina to dinner? She just saved your ass!".

When they all decided to go get dinner at grannies and Henry says bye to Regina, I had the exact same thought as Rumplestiltskin…"You're not going to ask Regina to dinner? She just saved your ass!".