
No spoilers for Winter Soldier, but that movie takes place 2 years after The Avengers. This series takes place almost immediately after (or at least after Iron Man 3) so one could argue that the series has some catching up to do before it gets to the events of Captain America 2.

Evil Abed in the season 3 finale worked beautifully and was a nice callback to an earlier episode… season 4 did that too many times and eventually, the evil timeline wore out its welcome. As you've said, this season was simply an exercise in fan service and little else.

Community's kind of difficult now. The new season isn't bad; I'll happily concede to the fact that season 3 had some bad episodes… but they were still funny. I was watching a couple of season 3 episodes the other day and I laughed, a lot. I don't think I've done that as much this season. The characters did funny

Kind of sad that Arrow has more clarity in it's action scenes than all of the big budget Batman movies (the Nolan ones). That fight in that one corridor was badass. It was quick and kinetic, but it all made sense.

Well, we've had the father issues with Abed all the way back in Season 1, and Abed isn't one to do the same storyline twice. I was hoping for something major though.

I know Abed is an open book, but I really wanted him to have a secret. I feel like if he'd had one, it would have been much more earth-shattering, if only because we don't fully "get" Abed. I may be biased since my favourite episode of Season 3 was the one with Abed and Annie in the dreamatorium, but I feel like

Oddly, the thing that seems the most inconsistent to me about this show is that Aaron was in possession of at least one pendant for who knows how long and yet, despite having the inquisitive mind that comes with a sedentary computer genius, he never once played with it to press the button that turned it on, or indeed,

Apparently sabotaging the boat was the least efficient way of killing someone.

I was seriously worried that Laurels mother was somehow involved in the undertaking; would have just been too neat for my liking. Sarah being alive is still somewhat unbelievable, but I can handle that compared to how much worse it could have been (I briefly entertained the notion that she wrote the list or something,

Sorry, watching Moira hold up the picture of her children, all I could think of was the Simpsons.

I liked the move, but agree with you in how it'll likely turn out.

I had my suspicions, but I had to look it up to be sure. His accent is different here which threw me off (I took him for an American Actor attempting a British accent).

"Did you Vaporape my ex boyfrien- DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME TINA COHEN CHANG!"

I know that season 3 saw the characters change somewhat into slightly more satirical persona's of who they started as, but for some reason (and I'm not ruling out my own biases here) this seasons characters feel like parodies of their former selves.

That line was both funny and sad.

Probably the first time with Elementary that I didn't know who the killer was until it was actually revealed. Maybe I'm too trusting of law enforcement…

I count 24 arrows, therefore I'll hire 25 guys. I'm such a genius!

I have to say, after DVRing this episode, I kind of avoided it when I finally sat down to catch up on TV. I didn't think I'd be that apprehensive just because the show was Harmon-less, but I also didn't think I'd be in for a great episode of television (to say nothing of the diminishing quality of season 3 anyway).

True. Possibly I'm feeling biased because Thea's been something of a brat recently, but I do feel this episode got Thea a decent deal because she's rich.

True. Possibly I'm feeling biased because Thea's been something of a brat recently, but I do feel this episode got Thea a decent deal because she's rich.