The PS4 can be deauthorized online... BIG improvement.
The PS4 can be deauthorized online... BIG improvement.
Yeah, originally I thought the PS3 was too outside the realm of this list, but you're right, it should be on here. And now it is!
It is. Tell 'em Ravenscraft sent you.
I thought someone had illustrated my dick with a button-up shirt!
Keeping track of open connections efficiently, for one. Have you tried running a torrent or QoS on a low-RAM router? Plus you can have more services sleeping in the background with minimal impact. It also has 32MB of flash storage. So it can hold a fairly large firmware image, too.
Yeah, it's pretty safe to say you completely missed the point here. And didn't read what I said about that very fact in the article. It's okay, it's an understandable knee-jerk reaction.
I see what you did there....
"Some nice tea sandwiches and possibly a bottle of wine for the graveside picnic"
The photo is in the post. (Stand up desk = just add a cardboard box under my laptop.)
In my volunteering life, I prepare Miss America contestants to compete for state titles. I do a lot of interviewing and always looking for new questions. These are awesome cuz they're so weird.
Sounds like a place you wouldn't want to work at anyways...
I would get up and walk to the door and say "I am seriously considering a job here, call me when you are serious about hiring me". I don't need a job so bad that I will sit and be made to feel stupid.
I was once asked the, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" for a part-time job at a public/school library. I wasn't expecting that so I came up with something on the spot. I think people who don't have experience interviewing are more likely to ask those questions. My dad conducts interviews (and has for several…
Sounds like a scam of sorts. You were smart to steer clear.
This has been available since 4.2....
This is gonna lead to some frustration when the 100,000 mark is reached and paying customers re-install (for whatever reason).
I uploaded the photo again (the cropping is slightly different):
Does a blinking LED count? I say yes. Yes it does.