John Olerud's Helmet

But it’ll never be the same as when Brooks Robinson was manning the hot cornah! *shakes fist*

I don’t think anyone is making the point that Ausmus should be removing Collins to “swing his dick around to prove he’s the man” or that Ausmus is a bad manager.

If Ausmus made a pro-con list of taking Collins out, what would be in the “con” column?

How did Ausmus not immediately take him out of the game?

Looks to me that he’s more upset about his mom’s gratuitous display of her casual fandom. Mom, why are you clapping? The bad guy hit a home run. What the fuck?

Billy Donovan’s performance has probably raised the perception of Brooks, right?

The best part of this by far is the announcer confident that this is not the time for Kershaw to experiment with his change-up in a 1-1 game while Kershaw winds up to throw a 46mph eephus.

McGregor comes off really whiny and annoying here. How dare he be expected to fulfill the contractual obligations he agreed to fulfill? What a jerk that Dana White is, trying to promote and capitalize on his best and most marketable asset to continue to spread UFC and the fight into new and on-the-fence audiences.

That sounds fantastic. Thanks for the tip!

Like most professional athletes probably say to themselves, I’ll only use TurfBuilder a few times til everything is perfect, then I’ll cut back and just maintain everything organically. I swear. It’s just to recover.

This is a welcome article. My house has a pretty good sized lawn but the grass is patchy and the surface is bumpy. With spring coming around, I decided I wanted to have the best lawn in the neighborhood so I googled it and the search results were horrible! These insane hobbyists recommended lifting the entire lawn and

The moves he put on that chair are reminiscent of a probably young Yi Jianlian.

The other examples you picked of memes he’s posted don’t rise to quite the same level of offense as this last transgender one, though. Those fall closer to the “just sharing stuff that reflects my opinion” side of the spectrum whereas this latest one portrays transgendered people as rapist swamp monsters and if read

I did not open this article with the intent of defending a miserly shitbird like Rovell, but here we go. He never says this system is good, fine, decent, moral or otherwise. He’s describing what it is and why it is. He’s right on that. Just because he’s a douche doesn’t give us license to bend his comments. He’s not

And let’s go now to the phones.. what do you guys think about this high schooler’s bunting prowess? Goose in Colorado Springs, you’re on..

Funny you mention it because that happens to me all the time!

Making this especially bizarre is that there’s not a lot of separation between talent levels of the top 5 or even top 10 projected picks this year. This isn’t Andrew Luck and the field.

Stay away from H&R Block and any “easy-to-use” free online tax service that somehow has the money to advertise during every commercial break.

Cruz is inherently unlikable and his political views are disgusting but this guy’s contrived free-riding on Cruz’s fame and/or infamy is starting to grate on me a little bit. No one likes Cruz. He’s awful. I probably walked by him at a bus stop in 1992. Can I promote myself and my career via social media by

I have the weirdest boner right now.