Whitewall tires, and make it a challenge to get started, like the old Gran Turismo games. Make me work my way up through the ranks before handing me millions of credits to build and buy cars with. Make me choose wisely and spend frugally.
did you proofread this at all? "They didn't intend to troll the entire country, at least not in the way they intended?" or "we've been waiting for the top gear Christmas special was near Christmas this year?" c'mon.
I'm sad that Jalopnik recommended me to buy a minivan, ever, for any reason, ever. I thought this was a blog for automotive enthusiasts, not people who've given up on life.
oh hey, those firefighters have seen Backdraft. Clever.
That is goddamn brilliant.
29. Because you keep having erotic dreams about the Miata from Cars 2 and it would be super-helpful to talk it out with someone.
This is just full-on badassery.
oh my god. PREACH.
Some say he is the very incarnation of the Europeans' opinions that Americans are know-it-all jackasses. And that the degree to which he is an obnoxious, annoying passenger is eclipsed only by the diameter of his douche nozzle. All we know is, he's called Ray Wert.
Dallenbach. He's a Colorado native and his open wheel, 1300+hp car was built completely in Colorado. He had a real good shot at the overall best time (he qualified fastest on at least one of the sections) right up until he busted an axle less than one mile into the race.
I was there - the radio coverage was absolutely horrible all day long. Genius comments like "This race is really like a bunch of drag races, connected by turns." ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
Jesus Christ, Ford finally looks good leading a rally and then this happens? Let's just hand Loeb ANOTHER win.
@unhcampus: well played sir.
@TexanIdiot25: II The Return: FLAWLESS VICTORY