Josh Dupree

It’s also the same reason why we always get angry over the Confederate flag, but don’t seem to have as much anger over the American flag. And if I hear another story about “people down South,” I’m going full-on “NIAGARA FALLS!” If anything, we can say people who wear both flags are illustrating “heritage not hate.”

would be hundreds of millions of dollars cheaper than introducing new subways or elevated trains to help ease congestion.

the total disregard for the privacy of people who have nothing to do with Wikileak’s stated policy goals.

I love how the nation being split in half by the election of a black president is somehow the fault of the black president rather than the racists that are mad about us electing said black president.


So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

Sure, good old Urban, always doing the right thing.

I’d look back at USC’s schedule before you start casting stones, they have played Hawaii three times, Fresno and Arky State and a good Minnesota team as opening games since 2010.

All lives do matter though. Even yours brother. I love you.

Alright buddy

Sleeping gas doesn’t exist.

Despite being located a huge metro area, the Atlanta Hawks have always struggled to draw fans, even when good

Love that Julio. Been my boy since 2009.

I count 7 Cubs

Having Tweeted this thought, Reilly went on to compare an OKC team with neither Durant nor Westbrook to Kate Upton with a double mastectomy.

[[trademarks “three-teat”]]

So, following this analogy, what is Draymond Green? Kate Upton’s balls?

1. Seattle has a team where it matters: The NFL.

With Turner Field it’s not just about the homeless people around begging for money. I think that does scare many people off from wanting to tailgate and hang around that area and there is stil plenty of racial prejudice against poor blacks in Atlanta but that is not the only reason a lot of people hate going to Turner