Josh Dupree

How cute a Saints fan weighing in on morality in the NFL.

Yeah Eastwood gets away with it because he was born in California. If he had been born in the deep south and spoke with a southern accent he would have been run out of town a long time ago. But Eastwood is given a pass because, well what can you do, he’s old and that’s just the way it was in his time. People are so

The extra ‘A’ is for “Awesomeness.”

There is still time for them to cook me dinner after the event is over right?

Cardiologist don’t.

Look I get that every little kid wants to catch a foul ball at a game, but do all kids have to cry now when they don’t. Gees. Hang in there kid your day will come.

The fact is that bill that was struck down in Houston still remains struck down, and yet the NFL is still going ahead with next years Super Bowl, even though the city offers no protections for LGBT people.

Should we wonder why the black man has white hands.

LOL only this would pass as a racist scandal in Canada.

Makes sense that a Georgia football player would fall asleep at a critical moment. Sometimes it takes a full 60 minutes to wake them.

I wonder if the Atlanta Hawks problems might have something to do with the fact that team has never won a championship, never come close to making it to a Finals, and have never had an owner who chased a championship. Or that the last time they had a superstar player was back in the 80's. Of course that is just a

“Can you hear me out there...Holy Cow!”

Great now we have to burn that flag. Such a waste.

Good, that way when the NL loses we can blame the entire city of Chicago for that failure.

I think there should have been at least two or three Braves players beside Tehran to make the team. I mean somebody has to give those inspirational speeches when times are tough.

Technically all things you said were true? Just don’t bring Jackson Mississippi into this, those people get the big head when you compare them to Birmingham.

I wasn’t trying to insult LA. If you notice most of those cities above LA are in the Northeast. That section of the country was built up first and cities like NYC, Chicago and Boston saw their population booms occur long before the automobile became the basic and cost effective mode of transportation that it is today.

Actually I was shocked Atlanta was as high as it was. NYC is the best in terms of getting you anywhere in the city, LA is so spread out it is harder to build a system that doesn’t require a ton of lines and stations. I think LA will be better in the future. Atlanta’s system is surprising old, built in the late 70's,

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