Rico's Roughnecks

This is great. In a way I'm jealous of this kid, every vehicle is so new to him that a regular old dealership is like going to a car show!

I guess nobody wants to make buyers feel bad about themselves.

Also, I had incorrect info. The base car is $48,900, but it's a T6 AWD.

"Volvo's idea that by 2020 nobody will be injured or killed in a Volvo"

Well, they are clearly talking about normal accidents, not people who sort of want to kill themselves.

Shaky dismount, but sticks the landing! 8/10.

The current car is also 12 years old.

Voice control, steering wheel buttons, auto brake (just in case).

They also pack this look:

This, basically

Well, that explains who in AZ has the plate I wanted for my Sierra.

Crap, now that you mention that, I see that. Yikes.

'93 Viper Roadster.

excellent article PG. Police don't need to take the place of the National Guard. And the National Guard should be deployed to keep these trigger happy cops apart from the populace and press.

If you drive under miles even by a significant amount, there is no guarantee of lease equity. Same thing could be said if you drive overmiles significantly. Also, even if you drive exactly the correct mileage you car may have "lease equity" or may be "upside down". If in a lease you should always treat it just

Full disclosure, I changed the headline because I accidentally used pretty much the exact same one from a month ago. We're all just really worried about Acura, okay?!?

Neutral: So Can The TLX Save Acura?

Unfortunately, the automaker lobby has a lot more cash and influence than the Skyline hoon lobby.