
The Met’s may be owned by shitheads but they are Yo La Tengo’s favorite team so they about cancel each other out.

It is hard to think of something more pathetic than spending 4 hours of your saturday watching 19 year olds poorly play football.

Claiming you support the troops but only doing so because you are paid to do so is like stealing a shirt that said you ran a marathon for charity and then wearing said shirt and claiming your nipples bled but it was worth it because you raised money for kids with cancer.

Because the NFL acts like they are giving back to the troops when they are just fleecing the tax payers(yet again).

Because they are pretending to do it because they “support the troops” when they are really just supporting their bank account. You really can’t see how shady it is to act like you are giving back when you are actually taking?

How will they notify all 6 Washington fans in time?!?

Its not that the Mets just typically suck. Its that they suck while doing hillariously dumb shit. Like the Bobby Bonilla contract. Or having a fucking Amway in their stadium.

You were right that she is untalented but then you ruined it by saying she is talented.

So you are saying frats are for losers. Agreed.

Or how about pay athletes who are good enough that people are paying to see them. It is ridiculous that an “amateur” golfer can beat pros in tournaments but not get paid for it.

Yeah, why does everyone think that the team that is in the Super Bowl all the time is gonna be in the Super Bowl again?!?

Most of the Beer Camp beers are not good.

What is the appeal of college football? It is not obvious.

This rumor is more believable than the NCAA deciding they no longer want to profit off of slave labor.

The same degenerates who spend their saturdays watching 19 year olds poorly play football for a corrupt organization.

My review of Boom Sauce: it tastes like Harpoon IPA with an ounce of cheap vodka mixed in.

Its not Cantillon’s fault that their beer costs a ton in the US. They sell bottles of Gueuze(which takes 3 years to make) at the brewery for about $5. Its not much more throughout Europe. I’ve even seen their beer for reasonable prices in Japan.

Read your post and take your own advice about those couple inches. Reclining your seat isn’t going to make you more comfortable so don’t make the person behind you more uncomfortable.

So those few inches are important to you but couldn't possibly be to the person behind you? Your post is example #784367 of recliners being turds.

tfw the only good looking girl in Indiana is your granddaughter.