
Curt Schilling added the red in photoshop.

Is it possible to hack a beaver pelt?

Sitting around the stench bacon for a long period of time is not good.

I was going to say Louisiana but the average lifespan is so short there that they don’t have old people.

thinking about getting divorced again #itsmy7thwife

It looks like the tortellini with pesto that is catered at my office.

The Idiot driver won't lose their license for any significant time because America is so very dumb when it comes to cars and Texas even more so.

There was a rich guy who owned a Boston area construction company who had a house on the Country Club At Brookline when the Ryder Cup was there in 1999. The club wanted to extend a hole near his house so they offered to buy his house for double what it was worth. He said he would sell it for market price if they let

Why stop them? This is the most exercise those two woman have gotten in years.

I think that this beer is the best one Cambridge Brewing Company has bottled or canned. It is super refreshing.

Damn son that is 4 ounces of booze.

Here is how the World Cup works:

It has the best bathroom ever.

Show me a country with loose gun laws and a small number of gun deaths. I can name dozens of countries with strict gun laws and few gun deaths.

Stating facts isn’t “starting shit”. Every first world country has stricter gun laws than the US and every one of those countries has much fewer gun deaths than the US.

The climatic scene of SATC 2 is them running to the airport because they don’t want to miss their opportunity to be pampered in ultra first class. It was a very bad movie.

State house, Bunker Hill, Paul Revere Statue, Old North Church are all pretty close and are on the Freedom Trail so people do that walk all the time. Fenway Park is a bit further but still in a pretty dense part of Boston.

Ortiz has successfully played 1st base in 3 World Series. He can play 1st, he just doesn’t have to.

Is she also one of those people who chug gatorade while going 2MPH on the exercise bike, therefore ingesting more calories than she is burning? Because I see those people at the gym and I can tell its not working for them.

Why are you talking to people about your bowel movements in the first place?