Unless you 100% agree with people, anything else is consider racist somehow lol.
Unless you 100% agree with people, anything else is consider racist somehow lol.
hes got plenty of defenders, many afraid to speak out and publicly defend him bc of fools who will label them ‘alt-right nazis/sympathizerzzz’, pfft. And these idiots only hate him bc he has some conservative views, not bc he isn’t a ‘great guy’.
“Where’s the racism?” Go fuck yourself.
I don’t understand how some of those make him a “POS.” Especially the last one. He’s telling people that they should identify as exactly what they feel like identifying as, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone else. Be a woman, a man, neither, both, it doesn’t matter. Just be you.
This article is really, really bad. The author should be ashamed frankly. I don’t know why authors feel the need to mislead people. For starters, Chris tends to be more liberal while Colin is more conservative. They are not alike, politically speaking. This is an instance where politics don’t matter though. They were…
Well both the phrasing of the article and the reactions here clearly show you how absolutely screwed America is as an nation and how much bias there is in the videogame space.
In corporate culture, many women feel the need to compete. It’s basically cool girl syndrome for grown ups. They are the roughest, toughest, most savage bitch at the conference table, and don’t you forget it.
We’re talking about a center-right person (at most), who detests Trump and his rhetoric so much that he left the Republican party over it. Is anyone even remotely conservative considered too controversial to participate in the gaming community these days? That’s deeply troubling to me if it is indeed the case.
I think labelling both people as controversial is misinformed. I’m the last guy to ask when it comes to American politics as I’m not a US citizen, but Colin in particular has never forced his views onto someone else. He’s not “in your face” on his political views. He has opinions, sure, but who doesn’t in this day and…
Him getting flack from that tweet just proved how overly sensitive people have gotten.
I don’t care for these guys, but it is kind of crappy that they were given this spot, they and their fans made plans to attend, and the rug was pulled out from under them with little notice.
That’s not the point here. Colin said repeatedly that he doesn’t believe he’s owed a platform, and that he’s happy to stay away from where he’s not welcome. The problem is that they gave him a panel, very clearly told him it was okay to advertise to his fans that he’d be there, and then took it away AFTER him and a…
He has a point tho, no ones cares as much about the deaths caused by traffic accidents etc as much as they do when 1 person gets shot.
Chris is a liberal and the podcast is apolitical. This article seems so misinformed. Calling Chris a conservative talking head is insane.
You’re tellin me. My N54 just shit the bed.
The Hot Brown.
Whatever is your city’s best food, it likely comes from a place that looks like it is 20 seconds from being shut down by a food inspector.
Because that's a car in a music video. Showing off ones lifestyle isn't the same as advertising a specific product.
Maybe it’s different in Europe, but in the US companies are actually required to protect their trademarks. It doesn’t matter if it’s a church, local little league or another competing company, you have to defend unauthorized use of your trademark or risk losing it. Maybe they are wrong and just going overboard, but…