Which the Feds should supersede that
Which the Feds should supersede that
Corruption. The big developers build 50,000 houses. The use a HOA because they want control until everything sells. The streets, parks, sidewalks, streetlight, and storm drainage are all owned by the HOA.
Yeah, this is confusing as Hell. I had to look it “Kaufmann Language” and most sites that describe it do so in ways that are thoroughly unhelpful. Best I found was this site:
Imagine being that dude and all these years later, still referencing his douchery.
Probably sent the trade to auction the same day
this is kind of wholesome. Ferrari would probably give you a lawsuit / ban your for life if you posted on social media that your car broke down and goog guy greg Koenigsegg remaking your car!
Japan did a fair bit of industrial policy to boost manufacturing in key industries (like cars), but what’s going on in China is a very different beast. Chinese industry today stands on the shoulders of decades of protectionism, direct state intervention, and intellectual property theft.
A truly small truck is blocked by the EPA “footprint rule" that mandates ridiculously high gas mileage. They exist elsewhere so put this in the same trash can as the chicken tax
I think it’s probably because they’re more likely to be owned by adult women and not 20 year old men and thus not driven like they have a death wish.
“The +2 seats are to bring down insurance rates.”
Short answer is the car instead of just having one additional light per side like a high beam, actually has a ton of individually controlled lights. I have one of these software locked cars, it has independent 16 zones. It uses a camera to detect where other cars are/aren’t and turns the individual zones on/off as…
Now do away with daytime running lights that only light the headlamps. Nearly every day, I see someone driving at night with their DRL on, assuming that since they can see ahead of themselves, and their all-electronic dash is lit, then their tail lamps are also lit (they are not). Dark vehicles in unlit areas are…
Folks. If people don’t want minivans, they don’t want minivans. If they want to deal with the extra difficulty of loading kids into an SUV, that’s their perogative.
I’d observe that guardrails aren’t really designed to stop ANYTHING that’s heading straight at them at highway speeds. They are designed to keep cars traveling parallel to the rail from driving further off the road if they veer off course for some reason.
Given how ridiculously and artificially low speed limits are posted in the US, this is a terrible idea. I’m not talking about the guy going 105 mph in a city center, t-boning another vehicle and killing everyone involved. I’m talking about the average not-in-a-neighborhood-or-downtown roadway that everyone is going…
The problem with this solution is it only affect new cars. Cars going well under the flow of traffic will cause more unsafe situations than everybody doing over.
You certainly managed to draw a lot of conclusions about games that are 100+ hours long without actually playing them, based entirely on very small amounts of information. Clearly, we have found our new authority on the subject.
Yeah, my napkin math was mostly meant to show that:
If excessive CEO pay is indeed a reason for the UAW to strike, then why don’t they have some limitation on CEO pay listed in their demands?