Josh Bailey

Sounds like a “Been there, done that” situation.

I have a 200 mile drive that I make about once every 6-8 weeks, and I had a favorite toilet until they lost their lease. In Kentucky we have FiveStars and Thorntons.

I can agree that self service checkout is slower, and that is because it’s by design. When the cashier scans and item he doesn’t have a scale that has to see the weight of the items for 2 seconds before it lets you scan the next item. Buy 20 items and you are adding nearly a minute of checkout time just for the

You said it in one word, speculation. Yes the ultimate goal of a business is to create money. In a well established market you invest in the companies that are making profit over ones that aren’t. Tesla is not in an established market. They are trying to invent a new market. Investors are investing based on

Battery technology is advancing faster than typical development cycles for the rest of the vehicle. This is both good and bad.

I think what is weird is that long term trends are pretty well known. It is all but certain that we will be driving electric cars in the future with autonomous features slowly trickling in. However, what isn’t clear is when the major shift will occur with the customer. Many factors from the price of oil, tax structure

Goose!? Goose!?

It doesn’t say what kind of doctor he was, but Louisville does have many doctors who are regarded specialists in their respective fields. I know many people who have traveled hundreds of miles to see doctors in Louisville.

I was just posting the NHRA rules. They amended them a few years because factory cars were starting to require cages per the old rules. In many cases cages also interfered with OEM safety equipment which is a separate issue.

There are a combination of things that will allow for higher horsepower. The extra octane will allow the computer to remain more aggressive on timing. The extra RPMs could allow for more horsepower, assuming that the car was still gaining power at the “street” redline. Superchargers have bypass valve downstream of the

It shouldn’t need a cage unless it is dipping into the 9s.

People who ride the anti-gluten fad are a double edged sword. In one way they underplay what true gluten intolerance is like. However, since there are now so many of them food companies are starting to cater to them, and that has made life easier and given more options to people who truly suffer from celiac disease.

Sony allows for existing games to come out with patches to allow them to run in 4K on the PS4 Pro even if the game was released prior to PS4 Pro being a thing.

Not every movie is available on Netflix? Blu-ray is still superior to Netflix in image and audio quality?

It didn’t. I initially came to market with 2 SKUs. $500 for the version with the 20 GB HDD or $600 for the version with the 60GB HDD and wifi. Keep in mind that HDD space was a bit more expensive in 2006 and full retail games did not come out digitally. Most digital games were 1 GB or less.

They actually sell Utes in Australia which are based on the Zeta platform. The Camaro was built on the Zeta platform from 2010-2015.

These people do not follow car news or the industry at all. They see a catchy headline and an authentic looking picture and assume it must be real because they have no reference point for where the industry is.

Seconds matter on the line.

I know a LOT of people that are going to be greatly disappointed when they finally show off a preproduction Bronco and it looks nothing like this. I see this image shared on my Facebook feed a few times a month still.

I daily drive a 2000 Accord to work. I have much more room in that car than I do in a new Taurus.