Full disclosure: The New 52 got me back into comics. I was a big Batman fan before that. After the New 52, I went back and read so, so much old stuff.
Full disclosure: The New 52 got me back into comics. I was a big Batman fan before that. After the New 52, I went back and read so, so much old stuff.
Current favorite is actually Arrow again. No, it's not the best one, or even necessarily good. But it's been the most consistently fun this season I think as Flash has had a bit of a sophomore slump. Legends of Silliness is also very fun, but objectively not great.
Gotcha. Can't disagree.
I really don't think a full reboot is coming. I don't think those two Lanterns bought the farm quite yet. They're no Muk-Muk.
Batman #49: Snyder is clearly wrapping up this run on Batman before he heads off after 51. I really like his ideas (introduced back in 27) about the future Batmen, and I'd happily read an Elseworlds about any of the concepts introduced here. I thought the issue did a very nice job of tying Bruce's arc together and…
Adam Archer is doing the interstitial sections right now, and I've warmed to his take on the characters in these two issues. It's hard to top Kerschl, but I think this is… fine.
It's great so far. Rucka has again clearly done his work world-building, and Nicola Scott's grayscaled art really highlights her detailed pencils. The occasional flashes of color to signify magic are only made more brilliant in contrast.
I didn't mind them showing up in the Poison Ivy book, if only because I appreciate the attempts to make them a consistent part of this latest phase of Gotham.
I know he's doing 2 issues of Superman with Tomasi, and I'm afraid he's been placed over there for the long haul post-Rebirth.
And speaking of Superior Foes, the omnibus just came out! Everyone go get it!
On this topic, super excited for The Fix in April. Superior Foes by any other name…
All I know is that he's done a few competent issues of B&R Eternal and the Darkseid War Shazam tie-in. His other major work appears to be Undertow, but I can't speak to its quality. Midnighter is where he's been strongest, though I wonder if a large part of that may be attributable to the artist.
Yeah, it's a goner after Rebirth. Hopefully the character finds a home elsewhere, and Orlando and ACO hang around the publisher.
Batgirl is in the column for me where I find it consistently good but never have much to say about it. I felt the Greg "twist" was pretty obvious, and I think I know where the story's going, but it's still fairly enjoyable to read, incorporates characters I like (Spoiler, Black Canary, etc.), and Babs Tarr's art is…
I expect that to be remedied come 2017 and the Wonder Woman movie. But then again, and I say this with love, no one ever accused DC of making clever business moves.
Preeeetty sure you all are just saying random nouns now.
How is this not the defining moment of this character?
Dear DC, please print that Azzarello/Chiang Wonder Woman omnibus now.
Screw it, a whole mini-series of that. Just Cap, going door to door, asking for dog tags.
I am very much hoping that the rumor about Tom King on Batman is true. I'm skeptical about a bi-weekly book, but King being on it gives me… dare I say it… hope? Now here's hoping a Triple-A artist comes along with him.