
Euron has now destroyed two fleets at Casterly Rock. Quite the resume.

Fiore was the comics fan, actually. Poor guy.

I don't know why, but the Archie comics bit really killed me.

The Dead Wife/Leprechaun/Ifrit road trip became my favorite part of this show so quickly.

I came here to say this and am pleased to see it as the top observation.

I thought this episode was the best yet, because it finally brought together the stakes of it all. Having read the book (maybe a decade ago), I remember enough. But until now, it's seemed like Bryan Fuller's (gorgeous, amazing) cinematic eccentricities were shoving any story to the backseat, whereas Hannibal always

The utter lack of respect for the character of HR infuriated me.

This finale (and this season) made me angry. It was hot garbage. What happened to the writers getting that the core of the Flash was fun?

Somehow I knew if I showed up even 30 minutes late to this comment thread it would just be a war of fighting over the plot in this clear Elseworld.

Yeah, we're at around the same point in the game, and I have to agree. It's also a little weird to say "the larger plot's starting to kick into gear" …how many hours in now?

That boss was hilariously easy and also hilarious. I think I wrapped that palace in the minimum 3 days, and then got REALLY excited about 15 days of bumming around Tokyo.

There is no bad Peter Stormare impression. They are all correct.

On the one hand, Mishima gives you experience perks. On the other hand, Mishima is just terrible.

I'm sorry, but I don't see Jeff Bridges being casually racist and then incredibly regretful anywhere in this movie.

I saw. I was disappointed. Probst said a lot of good things without touching on that, but I guess that's reality TV contracts for you.

I really hope to see Probst address this with Dalton Ross tomorrow. Zeke was a class act both on the show and on Twitter tonight.

"You can't unring the bell, Jeff."

So many games though! I will wait patiently for a crazy deal.

"Canon name" and the Historinauts.

I have considered doing exactly this way too many times since buying this game.