
And award for worst streaming presentation goes to Twitch and Sony. That feed was slowing down every couple seconds, it was like watching an animated gif with frames missing. I thought it was my connection, but I checked the chat feed and a lot of other people were complaining too. Let’s also not forget about the

Monster Hunter’s coming to all platforms, not just PS4.

Well that was a letdown overall. When it started by showing off three major IPs, Uncharted, Horizon, and Days Past (which looks like the zombie horde game we’ve always wanted) I thought “hmm they must have something really big to show us” but no, they had bugger all. While GoW looked really good still not much has

What I am more worried is what the guy said “play online with friends”...

They have to tell him he’s handsome and a good boy and affectionately ruffle his hair and diaper his enormous behind and generally give him the love mommy and daddy didn’t otherwise...

Free speech is freedom from government oppression. It is NOT freedom from consequences from the public. If you want to be a bigot verbally (not particularly the case here), you won’t be thrown in jail by the government. You will be condemned by everyone though.

These people, they got to grow up. When I was in college I was egalitarian, but guess what? By the time I finished college, I learned that “egalitarianism” is bs if minorities and the disadvantaged are not given the opportunity to reach equal footing with the rest of “Whitepeoplekind”. It’s why you read about the

It’s uncommon in Japan for someone to speak openly about a former employer, but is it common for a company to try and blacklist/harass former employees?

This is all so bizarre. Konami going to great lengths to trod all over not just Kojima, but the employees of Kojima Productions, too?

A producer wouldn’t have standing to sue over sexual assault between two other people. However, this is what I think. The producer wanted to stop filming two naked people in the pool who were starting to get raunchy and get their drunk asses to bed. Producer’s superior says no, continue filming. Producer files suit

A show with the goal of getting people to hook-up is cancelled when two people on said show hook-up. Um, what?

This article is honestly kind of strangely written/unclear but the only thing I can think of (legally) is if this was not consensual...hence producer filing as third party. Though this is obviously speculation. Not a lot about this seems to make sense otherwise.

I’m gonna wait for the Xbox One X Two X Xbox.

Nintendo: No one could come up with a worse name for a console than Wii U.

Ah, YouTube. The “Ethical, honest, New Journalism” answer to all those eeeevil LAMEstream media tycoons and their agenda pushing.

This is a terrifying blow to democracy and should be the top story in every major news outlet, but it will be virtually ignored by most and celebrated by many.

The Russification of America continues apace...

Kids repeat what they hear, these kids have racist shithole parents. The aftermath of this fat orange lizard will be felt for years to come.

I absolutely support a person’s right to say no. No unwanted attention, no unwanted touching. Ever.

A giant fuck no to both Mark Zuckerberg and The Rock. You want to get into public service, boys? Run for mayor, dog catcher, what the fuck ever, not the leader of the free world, ok? Who the fuck wants Mark Zuckerberg anyway?