26 mpg highway with premium.. ugggg
26 mpg highway with premium.. ugggg
mine is one of five in that color.
Yes its a manual.
I usually would skip replying to a comment like yours but I have a few issues with it.
I commuted 95% of the time for the last 4 years on my bikes. 55 miles one way mostly highway. First was an sv650 i modded too much. Second was a 2012 vstrom 650. 3rd and what i ride now is my 09 monster 696.. I find if i sat upright too much, the vstrom, i actually ended up slouching some hurting my lower back. The…
Yeah it is. The one posted looks to be a Hirsch one.. Crazy awesome. #saablove
It’s a Ducati. That’s all i hear!! Hahaha. Actually, i have put 8k miles on it in a year. I adjusted the valves myself. Changed tires myself. It has been sitting for 4 months. Started on the first try yesterday. Not as unreliable as one would think! Just a little more maintenance than my last two Zukis.
Friendship is Magic... Dammit, get it right!!
This is perfect for my 2yo... She loves Hello Kitty. She loves my Ducati Monster.. This will combine the two very nicely..
This is my daughter when she was about 14 months. She is 2 now.. Mommy says no, but she will ride this bike one day. ;)