That s why complaining works people.
That s why complaining works people.
What part of capital GAINS is not clear?
I blame that on dash lights- some cars the dash lights illuminate with the DRL -others not I use the dash lights to tell me if the outside lights are on-
A bunch of people stand around the Mewtwo stand, frantically battling it.
I’m sure there are lots of steam achievements with only one person or no people having gotten them. They belong to games like this one; games that no one plays.
Well. Now Valve just needs to announce Half-Life 3, and we'll finally have the final sign of the apocalypse.
"Cmon I entered the konami code! That's supposed to make you clean up your own crap, right??"
You know what kind of sucks about riding a bike? Other than all that pedaling? Bike helmets. Sure, they keep that…