When I heard him said about the glass surviving thermal nuclear explosion, I was like... great so what about the driver inside dying from intense gamma radiation?
When I heard him said about the glass surviving thermal nuclear explosion, I was like... great so what about the driver inside dying from intense gamma radiation?
Somehow I think only a total asshat would have done the opposite.
If someone died or injured from the accidents it’s criminal negligence causing death or injury. Until someone get hurt he is at least guilty of endangering public safety. So yes that asshole is breaking the law.
Considering it runs a cooling test, memory test, hdd test, anti virus, sfc, and defrag... it’ll take more time then grab a bite to eat. More like, start up the toolkit come back in a week and hope that none of the test froze the system during the fix.
There’s a thing I can’t seem to wrap around why you guys think money going into the Clinton Foundation has anything to do with benefiting the Clintons. The Foundation uses money for charity, not to fund personal projects of the Clintons. Objectively I would not give a rat’s ass who donates into the foundation,…
There’s obviously an imbalance in the ecosystem if a specific fish that has been around all along suddenly becomes a serious threat. While limiting their population can be a proactive short term solution by humans to maintain the ecosystem we kind of have to solve the bigger question here.
But she’s cosplaying... Makeup is as essential as medical degree to a doctor when you are cosplaying. And yes I do find her more attractive at her natural self, but cosplaying is literally trying to look like someone/thing she is not, with dressing up and putting on make up.
only thing to pick at is that her lips are too pouty compared to Lightning. Everything else, perfect!
Dicks or not, I really thought autopilot would have avoided that. The fact that autopilot completely missed the car and made no attempts at all to avoid it means it’s missing something in the system. That being said, it’s still the driver’s fault for not driving the car as he was suppose to.
Yes, because if the boss makes money from production, surely they would layoff people that are willing to do extra shifts instead of those that are only willing to work with very rigid schedules.
Hey this is Gizmodo. If it runs on refine uranium in a controlled chamber, it a freaking reactor! Don’t care what’s it actually used for! Kodak got a nuclear reactor, they can press a magical switch with technology we don’t understand, and transform it into a bomb! Kodak’s got a a hidden nuclear bomb! We all gonna…
Don’t alkaline batteries tend to leak if connected but not used? Most people would end up leaving the device empty and then scramble for batteries in an emergency.
Don’t alkaline batteries tend to leak if connected but not used? Most people would end up leaving the device empty…
Nah.. the way airline douche baggary works is they see who attempts the douche practices first, analyse the acceptance level, and proceed to copy the same douche practices onto their own airlines. If it wasn’t for regulations for seat belts they would just give everyone a rubber band to tie around your thigh. Does the…
I don’t know this for sure, but I think it’s regulations that kept them from cheapening up long flights. When you are trapped on the plane for over 8 hours it becomes very unreasonable for the airline to not provide reasonably comfortable food choices. After all you are a paying customer, not a voluntary prisoner to…
I would luv to ride one of these to work everyday!
and yes, I would also assume if you or anyone ever do will wash them cleanly with soap first before sticking their hands thru a Dyson hand dryer.
4k prices dropped drastically. It really doesn’t cost that much to own a 4k now. Not a typical brand name version anyway.
To be fair, if she streamed it, the evidence is now in the public domain. If she say saved it, and the guy took the phone and destroyed it, then the evidence will be gone forever.
I can actually imagine the guy using the VR gear before you was eating peanut butter, and you happen to be allergic to it. Puts on the contaminated VR head set, have your eyes and face swell up into the headset and not be able to take it off. Then you began not being able to breathe, meanwhile you were loaded with the…
I think “ignorant shit-talk” is a bit much to describe you. And really you don’t seem like one either. The author wasn’t quite referring to you but rather those that think electric cars will never replace petro cars -EVER.