This is my life right now! (Which is why I’m here commenting all day....)
That’s definitely on my list! I honestly need to dedicate a monthly allowance just for books.
Thank you for doing the research I did not!
I mean he for sure is, but crazier things have happened. Again, not inclined to look too far into it at the moment but yes please take it with 100 grains of salt.
I didn’t mean to slander your state! I was confusing it with Nevada apparently (I should have known).
More than one actually! I used to do a fair bit of research on animal welfare policy for work and it never ceased to amaze me. In fact one of my coworkers was once telling me about farms that exist (maybe in Nebraska?) that are basically places people go specifically to do it...like bestiality tourism.
This book sounds awesome, adding to my wish list now. It sounds a bit like the Erik Larson books (Devil in the White City, Thunderstruck, etc.) which I absolutely loved and learned so much from! In fact, this reminds me that I should order his other books as well because they are so fascinating and really a unique…
I find cap sleeves to be the devil’s work
Glad I’m not the only one bothered by this kind of shit in movies
Yeah that balance of committed enough to deal with all this shit but also hey we don’t know each other *that* well and we’re trying to date like normal people thing is really challenging. 7 hours is tough! I try very hard to find silver lining in my situation and one is that we don’t ever have that resentment that…
hah! ooooooh no thank you please.
Oooooh man it’s hard! I won’t lie. We’ve been together for over a year and half (with a short “what the fuck are we thinking” break in there) and it’s a six hour time difference/Atlantic Ocean between us situation. We’ve never lived in the same place, so in some ways I think that’s actually easier? Just because we…
Omggggg this is amazing! Totally had tears in my eyes trying to keep the giggles in at work.
ALWAYS pee before a conference call just in case! Life lessons, learned the hard way.
Jake was also my first Hollywood crush (and remains so, obviously). Oddly, Ryan is my boyfriend’s Hollywood man crush so I feel like this could really work out for me somehow...
Ugh that’s so awful. But now I kind of want a pussy odometer just for the sake of curiosity.
Skeezy geezers? V confusing
I thought the same thiiiing. My boyfriend lives super far away so I only see him 3-4 times a year in person but I feel confident that we make up for the time apart by boning furiously.
I wondered how far I’d have to scroll to get a comment on the mileage. IT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE.