Joseph Grand

Seriously. My boss’ 13 year old son DRAGS me on Instagram. I dare not fight back.

They’ve always been here. People go to jail for not paying off their court fees. People get charged room and board for their time in jail.

UK Update:

They set up Rollins perfectly to get the first program with Roman once the latter beats Lesnar at Mania for the belt. Rollins can come out and say “You may be the champ but I just beat you, I want a title shot.”

I defy you to show me that proof that conclusively shows Scotland isn’t a part of the natural range of the Unicorn.

LW, from someone who’s been there: He will never change. It will only get worse. Leave now before he seriously hurts you. Go to for resources and help if you need to—and/or to your friend who’s been telling you to leave him! (There’s [almost] always a friend who sees it before you do.)

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Anyone who thinks that way was never, ever going to vote for a liberal candidate anyway. It’s like saying that Democrats have a branding problem because the most loyal Republicans in existence won’t vote for them. 60% of voters under the age of 45 voted for Doug Jones in the Alabama election. That is an utterly

If the Steelers win the Super Bowl and offer him a ring, would he take it?

Sorry, but the Catholic religion is too old for Law to fuck.

A rebound in 22 minutes is called “the Kardashian”.

He is better than me but worse than Lebron

But thats what she’s saying! Why is everyone being a complete dense idiot about this? She said it was a great year for her thanks to her fans. I had a great year thanks to my kids and coworkers. I will not apologize for being grateful while the world melts around us.

According to the bylaws of ISHMap, punning will be given very little latitude.

This is how legends are made.

Guys, I’m trying to say it without saying it, but you get that I’m super racist, right? I’m not sure if this dogwhistle even works.

Nonsense. You’ll always have the Dan Orlovsky safety. No one can take that away from you.

You couldn’t pay me enough to click on that link

He’s black.

The author is trying to make the point that only 759 votes decided a race where the stakes were the leadership of over 6 million people.