Your usual “I have to prove I’m a REAL security guard!” waving their little badge around and looking for something to bother someone over.
Your usual “I have to prove I’m a REAL security guard!” waving their little badge around and looking for something to bother someone over.
I’m assuming none of this is a goof, so get better Drew and best wishes to you and yours.
Yes, that’s correct.
Jesus, weirdo voter, make a decision; either you want to vote cheaters into the Hall or you don’t want to vote cheaters into the Hall.
So MLB is correct that the union is refusing to go after people participating in a scam. Why are we angry at the NYT and MLB over this?
How dare we call out people being assholes!
Oh yeah, the guy who literally lost a court case because he was discriminating against black tenants 40 years ago and it’s gotten worse since then.
I look down at all of them for being unemployed parasites, but you don’t see me leaking stories to the press.
Lemme rewrite that headline to be more correct:
I’m...honestly befuddled by this Sheeran thing. No, not his success but this whole thing over him dressing the same way he always does for a show while Beyonce dresses the same way she always does for a show. Yes, yes, there’s a good conversation to be had about expectations for women versus men when it comes to…
That he’s supporting the best choice for Speaker? Wow, what a terrible thing.
Amazingly, they never said anything like this.
It’s a bunch of nonsense from people who want to ignore the great work she’s done because she doesn’t hold up to some mythical standard that nobody would.
Oh, that’s easy; because Republicans can run on hating her.
Nope, a Democrat.
What the hell is this bullshit?
Exactly, Mr. Colbert agrees.
It does seem weird that if Cheesecake Factory is going to celebrate Bush being dead, like everyone else, that Marvel doesn’t just give us that trailer.
Sorry, you’re confusing Nancy Pelosi with Chuck Schumer here. He’s the ineffectual one you have to worry about, she’s the badass progressive who gets things done. Pelosi has never given any indication that we have to worry about her funding this stupid waste of money.
Ah, Ubisoft didn’t learn from the reaction to the terrible ending of Far Cry 5. Well, see you at 6 if you make it.