Whatever booze he started the day with (no, I don’t believe him).
Whatever booze he started the day with (no, I don’t believe him).
The Clean Air Act was from Kenneth Roberts in 1963. Bush was involved in the 1990 amendments, but let’s be clear that it’s not exactly his deal.
He gets a little credit for following Tom Harkin and others lead on the ADA.
Seems reasonable. A trailer for Avengers, unlike mourning a homophobic war-criminal bigot who also committed treason, is a good thing.
God, this is something that should just stop. It was bad to do when Nixon, that asshole, died and it’s bad to do when this homophobic racist traitor dies.
Well shit, I’m all interrupting Behar’s bizarre hagiography of a racist homophobic traitor too. I just want it to be for correcting the record, not McCain trying to praise Trump again.
BTW, let’s keep this going for every one of these religious displays. Shame these unconstitutional violations back to the private sector where they belong.
One of the odd pleasant surprises of The OA, that Netflix series, was Phyllis Smith in a dramatic role. She’s really, really good in it.
Jerry Bruckheimer looks like if you stuck Jon Bon Jovi in a microwave for too long.
Still no campaign, eh? Bummer.
RIP, Tumblr.
I wouldn’t claim that it’s my beliefs that cause home inequality in terms of chores; it’s more that I’m lazy and there’s movies to watch.
“Ray greets many people he meets with a hug”
Counterpoint: you’re wrong.
As the worst player in the best sport, it’s Chris Davis all the way.
The only question is whether the employee, AKA a “student athlete”, wants to be paid by direct deposit or by check.
Gene Demby, of NPR’s Code Switch, has been on this on Twitter this morning and has some really interesting (and angry) thoughts.
I need to catch up with Support The Girls, which I feel like got barely released; I was a huge fan of the same directors Results from a couple of years ago and i heard very good things about this as well.
I’m fiddling with that tool, and can you select two time zones at the same time somewhere? Because I’m curious about the Bears record (above .500 in their relatively few Mountain games .485 for Pacific, and no Pacific games since 2015, which seems odd) and had to do them one at a time.
Actually, you do. Which everyone pointed out at the time.
So this is essentially one of those NYC women’s hotels from the ‘50s and ‘60s like Webster are Barbizon (for all I know there might be some left). I didn’t realize there was one in Austin.