Joseph Finn

So what?

My god, that C- might be generous. That was one of the dullest, ill-paced things I've seen on a while. It's almost impressively, aggressively flat.

Oh Tai. Stop being so easily manipulated.

"Which actor from Buffy will get to punch John Slattery in the stomach while wearing a dashiki?"

I could name movies she was in but just could not come up with Carole Lombard in my head.

I answered that as a Rollie Fingers, so…

Such a good piece.

Exhibit one in how SMG could be undervalued at how good she was in this role.

I saw this the other night and I just couldn't get past the problem of why Kendrick's character would even go to the wedding. Also, that character Revolori has to play was old and tired in 1988 and it's worse now. Dude does what he can but…yeah.

It's like, of COURSE he's in the Marvel Universe as Agent Mae's father.

That actually sounds kind of awesome.

If you don't think Islamaphobia is tied up with "lookit them brown people." I have a bridge to sell you.

Since that's not happening here, what's your point?

Ah, I see. It's the fault of the people who stand up against people saying racist and gross things.

So what?

Correct. He has been saying islamophobic things for years.

I'd disagree just on the amount of people defending Maher here.

Also known as, he chummed around with a voiolence-advocating transphobe and didn't call him on his shit.

Then I guess everyone who doesn't agree with Affleck that Maher was being gross and racist is wrong. I'm happy to be on that side.

Oh, didn't mean to diss your boss or anything. Just that her documentary is worth seeing.