Joseph Finn

And eventually it got made as GOD IS THE BIGGER ELVIS, a really charming movie that was nominated for Best Documentary in 2012.

I could be calm and clinical.


Her side-eye to Chidi on that was brilliant.

His entire Emmy reel should just be the transition from happy Michael smile to evil grin.

Quite. And certainly not in Africa and a decade later.

Because it looks like that Sanders support wasn't worth anything in the general as they were willling to sit home or vote for a terrible candidate in Trump, Johnson or Stein.

Who was that?

Oh no, she called some of her supporters to thank them for their assistance. The horror. The horror.

I love this grade-a bullshit. Instead of making up fantasies about how a carpet-bagging backbencher would have won an election that he couldn't even get nominated for, please go and do the grassroots work for your cause of choice.

So….the 4400?

Uggggggh autoplay video.

"Churchill? Oh, so that is how it's pronounced!"

Little bit, yeah.

Dylan is a brilliant musician, not someone involved in literature. That's a completely different branch of art.

So Bob could have been the very reasonable third person. (And c'mon, influencing novelists? That's not what the prize is for. Going by that, Hitler would be the most eligible recipient.)

So he didn't turn it down in favor of someone who deserved it for contributing to literature? C'mon, Bob.

It was a fabulous, enjoyable mess and pretty damn great.

Sheesh. Now tell us about the chemtrails in this stupid world you've created in your head.

So glad to have you back here and to hell with the haters.