Joseph Finn

I think Philip K. Dick wasn't that great of an author.

True! (That's Kinjamprove, by the way.) But it should be built in.

Good. Let's keep doing that for everything live. Emmys, Oscars, Grammys, all of it.

Well, threaded comments were nice while they lasted.

TIL 14 years experience is "basically brand new."


+1 accurate science joke.

It's my favorite movie of that year. I finally read the novel this week and I love how they both have different ways of dealing with the various stories nestling inside of each other and they both work in their own wonderful way.

As I remember, the Cosby show filmed at the Penn Relays, which is a really big deal for track folks (and may be the oldest track event in the US.)

Also, ghosts.

Ahhh, I get it, it's off to the side.

Also, why the hell is that thing so terrifying?

Wait. Why is a privately-owned statue on the highway?

What a load of false-equivalence horsepucky.

Monuments, military bases, roads, national cemeteries (there is a freaking monument to traitors in Arlington); take them all down and rename them.


Three Joshes! No waiting!

Seriously, a-hole?

Probably, but I feel like there's a couple of them.

Not to be all reductive, but are these the sort of goofs who refer to themselves as Federalists while completely misunderstanding the Federalists?