Joseph Finn

Gotta say…there's a lot of things on this list that I haven't seen but want to now. Weird that they are all numbered movies, strangely enough; 3:10, Thirteenth Floor, The Ten.


Exactly, it's a symbol of racism and treason.

So just like people who carry Confederate flags. Glad we cleared that up.

These people, the neo-nazis that we're talking about.

Pretty much coincidentally, I watched The Sweet Hereafter for the first time last night. Sweet jesus, that movie wrecked me.

Everywhere else on the planet gets to see it in a reasonable format, and in the US CBS makes sure it will be pirated like crazy because no one is paying for the Good Fight channel.

Well. Some of those are words, I think. (I kid, but I admit I've not heard of any of these.)

You know what? I was being a snippy asshole before and I apologize. I still think this move sucks but that was no reason for me to be a jerk about it to you guys on the ground. I'm sorry for that.


Good luck. Kinja has been saying for years that they've been working on it. I have zero faith there.

There we go. We're all hosed as a commenting system.

No. Because Kinja is useless.


Hah, I wish that was the case. Instead, they want people to pay an extra $50 so they can stream the games on their tablet or phone of whatever. Essentially, driving all that money they might have made from carriage fees away as people say "nah" and pirate the streams.

And it would be nice if they were honest about it instead of lying about it being a good system.

That's what carriage fees are for. They're already being paid.

Just because you're anonymous doesn't mean I am.

Wrap up? You've barely answered why you would ever move to a system that is demonstrably worse. No nesting comments means it's useless.

This is a dumber decision than NBC Sports announcing they would stop airing 95% of Premier League games.