Joseph Finn

Scott's "You're the worst" when Bruun mentions the clowns sounded just real enough that it had me laughing on the El.

Conversely, just because you didn't figure it out until she actually went over the wall doesn't mean it wasn't revealed an hour earlier.

Yeah, but both of those twists in The Village come up in the first 15 minutes.

Wait. How do you get horses movie out of "Thunderball"?

That would be disappointing, since Sixth Sense has an ending twist. The Village does not.

I never understood this complaint, since it's pretty clear it's an isolationist village about 15 minutes in.

Man, that's a good movie (and Gandolfini is great in it).

Yes, but I imagine you don't try to pretend the taste is good.

Yes, but did they buy the zoo?

Which TCM is showing on Thursday night.

There are very few better character intros in comedies than his in Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles. My god, that man could inhabit a character, far beyond just a comic performance.

And? I'm not sure what your issue with calling out Twitter over it hosting harassment is.

Yes. And quite rightly being called out for doing nothing about harassment on their platform. So what's the problem?

The slam in Twitter, which does almost nothing about harassment, is completely necessary.

Thanks to everyone involved for 5 fun seasons, and now I have to struggle to think of anything that is on IFC.

I've read the first two and they're freaking fantastic. I just got three from the library and it's my weekend read.

And boy howdy, the trailer for that is a good illustration why.

Yep. And the FAA/Military scenes are great as they start to get an idea of just how bad things are going.

Watched Monday's last night and it's new.

I swear to god, if I see one more person on facebook complaining about a news station reporting news about who won an Olympics event, I'm gonna plotz. Blame NBC for not airing things live, you dork, not the news people doing their jobs.