Joseph Finn

"which seems like a necessity at this point. "

No, I think that there are as many as 20 is the trolling part.

(I honestly now want to hear Polynesian-tinged klezmer music.)

Sean Connery in Darby O'Gill and the Little People was on the same compilation. Not so much:

Hey, I had one of those Disney compilation sets as a kid and remember Whale of a Tale! Sung by Kirk Douglas. It's charming as hell.

Eh, I'm doing pretty well, so keep your pity party to yourself. The rest of us will be over here, having intelligent discussions.

Ah, I see. You don't like it when the AV Club writes intelligently about a current issue in entertainment. Got it.

Yes, you've made a premise based on a lack of data. Hence why you got called on it. Not sure why you're bringing up everyone else who's made the same error.

Thank you for the reminder that I need to block your unfeeling butt.

Boy, she knows how to play to the camera, doesn't she?

I love this story.

Nope. Or if we do, we're smart enough not to write things where we pretend we know what we're talking about.

Thank you, Reddit.


Thank you for the Reddit perspective.

Ah, you can't tell the difference. Too bad about that.

I'm sorry that you hate people.

It's so terrible when people pay attention to issues, isn't it?

You haven't seen the movie but you have an opinion on plot details. Interesting.

Clint Eastwood, is that you?