
This might be the dumbest article this site has had. You could have done the minimum research about all the controversies of Lopez Obrador and the terrible things he has done up to the protests last Sundays and how if anything it’s Mexico who would be lucky to have a Biden or not a guy closer to Trump than him.

I may not be an expert, but I know I deserve more of it damnit!

Nope. Nope. Nope. I am writing from Mexico, and you guys are getting the story all wrong. The president (who I am certain does not actually do his own tweeting) sent this out hoping to deflect a series of grave political and ecological controversies surrounding the construction of the Tren Maya, which is opposed by

Sure, Biden might not talk about cryptids and Mayan spirits, but I guess I’ll take comfort that Biden isn’t cutting funding for local polling stations and poll workers?

Everybody takes themselves too seriously...

“Wokeness in the Military” now they’re just saying words. Using Woke like a blind man swinging his cane!

Or, modders should be recognized for their work and it’s weird that this mod made it into a release version of the game with no one from CDPR ever even reaching out to the modder for permission.

Yep, Lincoln never owned slaves at any point in his life.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty sure some of us have been discussing the shit the guys have been wearing for a hot minute now.

If you’re gonna adopt or support the use of pronouns that must be learned, as opposed to ones that you can just use intuitively, then you have to accept that sometimes people are gonna get them wrong.

Honestly, that bit comes off almost like an insightful joke about how washed-up aging comedians try to stay relevant in 2023. “No one is laughing at my jokes. Maybe I should try saying hateful bullshit about trans people and liberals.” Just replace Jerry with Dave Chapelle or Louis CK and you’ve practically got a

But if it was someone who had a history of threatening judges, something tells me they couldn’t move quickly enough to strip those precious 2A rights away.  Conservatives don’t give a shit about women.  

American conservatism kills people.

What an extraordinarily ignorant view on children and parenting. This may sound shocking, but tiny children often behave very differently from each other, regardless of the parenting method. 

maybe she meant federal government. keep the feds out of it, and allow states to ban it without “nefarious federal overreach”

Honestly, when I first read that, I thought it was from one of the host, not Haley. Because Republicans absolutely want the government to tell you when to use contraception (i.e. never, unless you’re wealthy)

This has been a big rightie talking point for a long time, though...that right after legal abortion and birth control comes government-mandated abortion and birth control. Why? No one on the right demands reasons.

The right wing steals language and messaging from the left all the time. They do it intentionally because their argument is horseshit. Most people don’t like conservatism. Even conservatives don’t like conservatism when they are impacted by it.*

*See Republicans from any state impacted by hurricanes, tornadoes, and