
Hutchinson wrote that she felt Giuliani’s “frozen fingers trail up my thigh” and that when she looked over at Trump advisor John Eastman, he flashed her a “leering grin.”

I don’t really care if they were talking about soda before the guy answered the door. That said, yeah, it’s awful that the only response the police seemed to have was “what can we charge this child with”. It’s hard to imagine a better way to ensure that the actual perpetrator would never face justice.

The comments are all #notallmiddleagedwhitedudes (i.e., we’re absolute shitheads too!)

I would like a mural, but that would give my kids nightmares. Also, probably me.

Seriously. You ... really can’t just go around shooting for no reason.

This newly reported incident involving Rahimi comes on top of his alleged acts of violence against his ex that we already know of. His alarming rap sheet also includes arrests for shooting at someone’s home with an assault rifle in response to social media posts, shooting at drivers, shooting his gun in front of

Real woman of the people here, folks.

It looks like it’s just trying to incentivize busybodies to sue people. So, e.g., an ex-boyfriend who wants to control his ex-girlfriend might sue someone who gave her a ride out of state because unborn baby.

They should stick to Ted Nugent and Kid Rock.

God, what a fucking baby. Actions have consequences, too bad he refused to learn that.

Masshole gonna Masshole.

I guess a completely unqualified person who isn’t a total shithead would be a drastic improvement over Rick Scott.

Liberty U sucks, I guess they shouldn’t have matriculated there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“eVeRyThInG iS fEnTaNyL!!!!

but she added that “if Sheila Jackson Lee comes to Alvin, then we need to worry.”

lol, okay. “I think it’s very likely that there’s human trafficking, I just don’t have the time to check”.

Yeah, I think the more clearly they explain their position, the more people reject it. Republicans seem to do best when they lie about their positions.

Sure, but if Musk were fighting a fit guy who weighed as much as he did (in his weight class) he would get his ass kicked even faster.

When a generally out of shape middle aged man suddenly starts exercising for the first time in a long time, you have to expect some injuries. Also,

I always assumed that my quicksave would overwrite the previous one.