
Actually, I think some straight people are because they see it as implicitly legitimizing the idea that other people are not straight. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that before somewhere.

“Every ill that we are fighting right now in society has been brought forth by women.”

Pretend governor is now also pretend badass.

I understand the importance of achieving a quorum, but if you can put together a majority of ALL legislators from the subset who are present, I think they should be able to do business as usual.

Schwarzenegger declared that he “will fucking miss the shit out of everything” when he dies.

Even if we take the shooter at her word (and I don’t), I don’t see why one person’s cowardice and overreaction should be a death sentence for the people around her.

So fucking pathetic. The GOP is really doubling down on the whole “this small vulnerable minority is responsible for literally everything you don’t like”. This also reeks of desperation, Haley is losing and trying to up her bigotry game to attract some support.

Eh, if Taylor Swift knocked Boston out of the playoffs, it was still worth it.

who says she has a deep opposition to communism, due to her Cuban heritage

People who do this are vile and hateful, but also just so fucking pathetic. Imagine being such a small, weak, contemptible person that you throw a temper tantrum just because you see a statue of Black woman. These people deserve our scorn.

I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot more shithead on shithead violence over the coming year.

I don’t know if it even matters that he delivers, he was so disorganized that he didn’t really get much done aside from appointing justices (admittedly, a big deal). I think that all some of them want is someone to be an asshole to the people they hate.

So lots of gratuitous nudity and sexual violence?

It’s not just a productivity thing. I think it’s morally wrong.

If kids are capable of viewing material that shows opposite sex partners, they’ll be fine viewing material that shows same sex partners. They’re not even pretending that this has anything to do with sexuality, it’s just legislation expressing the idea that “ew, gay people are gross”.

Wait, is the movie trying to suggest that the Inquisition was a result of demonic influence rather than, you know, the church applying its dogma in a context where it had the power to do so? I am so sick of demonic possession movies, and I would think that, given the history of child abuse by Catholic priests and

Oh that saucy little prince!

Wait, that’s a costume? I thought that was just what he looked like?

That’s just what Meghan Markle in disguise would say. Who is eccentric composer Karl Jenkins, and why has he never been seen in the same room as Meghan Markle?

Is Elon Musk tired of winning yet?