I see what you did there!
I see what you did there!
This is statewide, so not impacted by gerrymandering.
Right, it’s not the survivors who should be standing trial.
Maine also seems really unlikely. Shaws, Hannaford’s, and Market Basket all seem more popular than Trader Joe’s.
“I just can’t with the hypocrisy anymore,” she said. “We all deserve better.”
Surely the Free Speech Brigade will betaking up this cause in short order....
Canada, please send more Christmas trees to Boston and fewer homophobes.
Well, you see, the real problem is people being mean to them on social media.
This doesn’t seem like volunteering? Especially since I would bet a lot of people who are participating are expecting to get rich off the crypto. It’s just tricking them into performing work in return for something that ends up being worthless.
When they said it should be returned to the states, they meant the state legislatures, or other groups that would vote the “right” way.
Apparently (conservative Christian) religion is just a get out of civic obligations free card.
I hope the school district is doing some serious vetting of these host families.
If I remember correctly, the evil humans under Sauron’s sway are also dark skinned, and they ride elephants into battle.
Getting some real Little House on the Prairie vibes here.
Trump has looked terrible for a long, long time.
If he’s going to lose, he might as well do it as the shittiest possible version of himself.
I think they did, part of the settlement was from the school system.
Certainly, if cops aren’t trained to deescalate situations outside of crime (i.e mental crises), it’s doubtful they know how to handle children.
Attacking him when the guy is with his young child? That fucker is lucky he’s still alive.
Not a racist bone in her body. Her cartilage and other soft tissue though? Racist af.