
Or a white woman (for Trump), apparently.

Who wants to tell them that they didn’t lose because of DC, they lost because of all the other states that flipped? Oh well, at least their god-king will be happy to see them.

Right, I completely agree, but as an atheist, I don’t feel qualified to tell people what their religion really says. I have lots of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim friends who are ardent feminists, and if they understand their religions to be pro-women, I’m certainly not going to say they’re wrong. I agree that a

What a bunch of whiny little assholes. We’ve had centuries of exclusively male leadership, even if Harris does become president life will go on. Also, if your religion tells you that ‘women voting goes against “God’s ordained order of men being the leaders”’, time to choose a new religion.

Holy hit, getting your kids kicked out of school because you’re trying to prop up Daddy’s delusions about COVID, and then losing the election anyway....

1 million COVID cases + 0 fucks.

Shit, I thought it was JaDeHeLm...

I was wondering the same thing. First I don’t get my Soros check, then the Covid epidemic continues even though Biden won. I hate to say it, but I’m starting to wonder if Republican conspiracy theories are maybe not as reliable as I had been led to believe.

Government by temper tantrum.

So basically “it’s not fair that people didn’t vote for Trump” + “I came to intimidate voters, and am upset at how easily intimidated I am”?

Actions have consequences. I guess they should have thought harder before pointing their guns at people.

I’m not saying it was aliens ... but it was aliens.

“If I were really as abhorrent and morally bankrupt as the imitators would have you believe, I would have to be a complete imbecile to post such disgusting traits publicly.”

... like, they parked the van right outside the polling location and they threw the doors wide open so anyone could just look inside? And they just kept on doing this while the enterprising poll watched stood there staring, long enough to see them opening some ballots, putting them into new envelopes and resealing

The other theory I heard was that they wanted to book a place that sounded legit without being in downtown Philly where the crowds would have shouted them down.

omg, when will he learn to stop handing everything over to Kushner? That kids fucks everything up.

A delicious herbal tea brewed from conservative tears and spite.

Maybe, but I think they’re mostly full of hot air.

I hear a temper tantrum of truly epic proportions coming from the White House right now.

If your religion prevents you from fulfilling your contract, I don’t think you get to insist that the terms of the contract be changed.