Joseph Chastain

No surprise. I hate him even more after seeing that video, and I didn't think that was possible.

Yeah I want to punch Jason in the face. Not as badly as that guy who put the price of that medication up 500%, but about half as much (which is still pretty high)

RE: Jason choosing film. he made the wrong choice. I don't care how much he argued for film. Time is the single most valuable thing you can get on a film shoot with money. You can never get more time and you will always want it no matter how much you are given. Jason will regret that decision, for all he knows there

Effie and Jason would both have been fired if I was running this movie. They're both unprofessional as hell. Effie is angry about EVERYTHING and Jason is a douche.

Most GOOD directors compromise. The stereotypical idea of what a director is isn't always what you get. Not every director is Hitchcock or Kubrick.

Except Affleck who seems to worship the kid.

A lot of filmmakers hate TV. I know it sounds weird, but it's true.

Pete actually was trying to convince Jason NOT to use film. Pete was't being childish Jason was.

Yes after the masterpieces Stolen Summer and The Battle of Shaker Heights, it doesn't make sense!

Where was she coming from? Peter doing his job, and trying to do something she obviously failed at? She was super unprofessional. Of course she has to deal with a super unprofessional man child of a director.

No. I agreed with her point then. I just think she was 100% in the wrong in this situation.

Moore was a drama queen too.

Line producer have nothing to do with quality. That's like the 4000th time I've said that.

If you worked in Hollywood you'd realize—Hardly anyone cares if a movie is good or not. Most care only if it can make a quick buck. Key word quick. They don't care if it makes money five years from now, only if within the first few weeks of it's release.

He was one of SEVERAL writers on it. He came up with the story, but the main writer was the director of the film from my understanding. He wrote the feature script though and it's obviously not coming together at the point of the show we've seen. I think it'll be a horrible film TBH.

Besides, the whole thing is a moot point since this is a TV movie and TV is broadcast digitally and anything shot on film LOOKS digital on TV anyway.

I'm a straight man

Effie is not being allowed by the higher ups to give him film. Neither one is getting any choice in the matter.

I've been accused of making drama. I've heard several men accused of it besides me. It's not sexist. I do agree women get the short end of the stick in Hollywood, which is the most sexist town on Earth, but we have no reason to believe Peter was being sexist.

LINE producer. She's not even the main producer.