Joseph Chastain

Do you live in California? Ever been here? There are no house that look like that short film out here. Plus it wasn't Jason's short film anyway, he didn't direct it and wasn't even the main writer of it.

Executive producers in the scheme of things are the boss. Only people that outrank the EP are the studio people.

Yes I have, but you obviously didn't understand Peter's plan. He was going to show Jason two clips side by side, one digital, one film, and see if he could tell the difference in order to convince Jason to shoot digital, he wasn't planning on shooting film. Watch episode 3 again and this time pay attention.

He didn't try to undermine her though, he agreed with her.

You might be surprised who'd they'd back. Peter is a bigger name and financiers tend o back bigger names almost always.

Effie and Jason are BOTH unprofessional and both should be replaced. If it wasn't for the reality show concept both (or at the very least one) would be by now, or the film would be cancelled.

That's not the point they made money. You didn't ask what their last good film was, you asked what their last successful one was.

I apologize in part. There are SOME EPs that get the credit in name only, but in the traditional sense, the EP makes the final decisions and hires and fires people, gets the money for the film, even can cancel the film. Nowadays though with Kickstarter etc. it can be an honorary title, but it's not a "figurehead

She COULDN'T handle it. He is demanding to shoot on film as much as ever.

You must know nothing about film. An EP is the head cheese.

Again, a line producer has little to do with the quality of the film. They keep it on budget.

A line producer has little to do with the quality of a movie.

But if the chef is making crappy dinners, the restaurant owner steps in. Effie has failed at getting Jason to abandon his demand to shoot on film so Peter was trying to get it instead. It was time for him to step in. It was becoming obvious Jason was not listening to Effie, so Peter was now trying.

I agree with you. She has poor people skills. Her temper tantrums are insane, but then again she has to deal with Jason who I would have shot by now.

I was extremely happy. The EU just made stuff convoluted.