
[1] Something I’ve alway wondered about, so good on you.

Looks like pretty cheap advertising, considering the share of available eyeballs attached to decision-makers that you get... and how little time they have to make the decision on whether to do business at this exit or press on to the next one.  

That brick has more personality and is less offensive than Mike Pence.

“OK sure, what’s the worst that could happen?”

How many kids you think got through the first two levels of battletoads thinking it was a fun beat em up only to break numerous genesis, nes, and snes controllers?

Battletoads is ridiculous, yes. Without the warps, it’s hopeless. The bad controls on that wheelbike or whatever level are like a giant though that GEICO fisherman was dangling the final level at you.

I was amazed that Battletoads wasn’t on this list. Multiple levels in this game require memorization in order to beat, and in order to memorize that level, you have to play it over and over again. Oh, and forget about unlimited continues/lives or anything like that.

Psssh battletoads is by far the hardest game to beat. I thought once I got through that bike level it would be easy the snake level I have never been able to complete

Caps would’ve won if not for all the Penguin’s ILLEGAL GOALS. So many bad goals allowed by terrible (or sick) reffs! VERY UNFAIR !

Sad how soft modern hockey players have become.

Breaking News: Mike Milbury is an asshole.

I know everyone has opinions on these people, but generally I’m just overall sad about the layoffs. This is a lot of people flooding the market in an industry that’s not exactly thriving.


I’m a little dismayed they didn’t put him on a stretcher. Watching them escort him off was dreadful.