
0. Spelling: Spell the words on your sign correctly and choose the right words (their vs there vs they’re), unless you are using your odd spelling or word choices for a deliberate effect. Otherwise you’ll come across as unintelligent and your (and the protest’s) voiced opinions may be discounted.

For anyone interested, here’s the feed with Carolina’s John Forslund on the call:

I stared at all of the refs’ crotches for a full minute before realizing I’d better read the article.

Uggh its insane to remember when I first got into hockey that THE two teams in the league were the Red Wings and Avalanche both of whom are trash fires now. Forsberg is still one of my all time favorite players. Thats all I have to say about the current team

Honest question, I don’t follow the NHL closely but lived in Denver and went to some games the last few seasons... How are they so awful? They have MacKinnon, Landeskog, Duchene et al... are those guys now butt?

Tom Rowe and the ghost of his younger self can’t believe it.

Kyle Busch has one of the most hateable faces in sports history.

Yeah, the ping of the post is the best hockey sound. Especially because it either means “fucking hell” or “thank christ”.

Ping of the puck going off the post woulda been my number one. When I played I almost liked hitting the post as much as actually scoring.

I’ve got to type if I’m going to journal because my handwriting is so atrocious that I can’t read it two days later

I’m still mourning for Google Reader. After trying Feedly, The Old Reader, and Inoreader, I’m currently settled on Inoreader as it allows the most number of feeds (hopefully I don’t get jinxed like my previous experience with The Old Reader) not to mention the Android app is quite neat.