
She is a force of nature! I’m in awe of the way she and the others have channeled their guilt for furthering this religion into taking it down.

The episode about the twin brothers made me cry so hard. And then laugh at the end when he was describing how the neighbor was fine disconnecting from him and his family (including his small children) but didn’t want to disconnect from his dog.

Did anyone else watch Remini’s show? I was fascinated by the lengths Scientoligists are willing to go to in order to hide the truth. It almost makes Trump and his cronies look honest.  

yeah, because they don’t cover “the earth is round” until your 4th year at Duke.

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

Tony Romo broke three ribs hearing about Jordy Nelson breaking two ribs.

Plus, stress would indicate he is doing the job. I have no doubt in my mind that he thinks he’ll delegate it all away.

His election is like something out of a Greek myth — he got exactly everything he didn’t want. He now has to live in a city he hates, surrounded by people who hate him, and spend his days in boring nerd-ass meetings and reading reams of dry reports prepared by other nerds. Imagine if Sisyphus could just step aside and

I’ve been saying he doesn’t make it to two years since he got elected. He’s either gonna get indicted or quit. He didn’t want to do this shit in the first place.

That’s because Feynman isn’t...really. Feynman had the habit, at MIT, of writing notebooks of “Things I don’t know” in which he’d take apart and put back together everything he knew about physics, and look for the gaps, inconsistencies, and boundaries. It wasn’t a single activity intended to increase retention, but

I can vouch for this approach. In school, I always loved it when teachers would give us study guides before exams, so when a teacher didn’t give us one, I would make my own, and I usually did better on the tests where I had to make my own.

I discovered a very similar system for myself back in college. I went through high school doing nothing and getting by so I screwed myself thoroughly on learning actual techniques and practices for studying. When I got to college, I suffered greatly (in terms of grades) for a long time till I figured it out.