Joseph Paul Johnston II

@Paradise: plus it's a ton of work that these guys do for free. I will never ever complain about the state of jailbreaks.

I added a picture of my wife and a custom slide to unlock arrow to mine.

@brijazz: Yes, because the people on the wheel probably wouldn't adjust to the new center of balance.

The calibrating. Do not look away from...the nozzle.

@thehouserules: Good point, I've never known "strong suite" was wrong. Thanks.

@falconirc: Human language doesn't seem to be your strong suite.

@GitEmSteveDave♥ Elizabeth Lambert: WHOA please become knowledgeable about that which I speak? I was posing a question, hoping to gain knowledge, and I wasn't claiming to know with any certainty what was going on, I was simply giving them the benefit of the doubt.

@leoaugust: Post of the year. Full of errors and stupidity.

@GLrunner13: What if the article is being updated in real time? Would they then have to manage two posts by two different authors with two different levels of access?

I think it's more that they're having some kind of problem with the new layout.

@JBaker1225: You're right, it's probably way higher.

@snap_understeer_ftw: Are you saying that because her husband died of colon cancer just a few years after this video was produced?

@fiffer86: Wait, you think it's bad reporting for the reporter to not state an opinion on the matter?

@roebling: You are the worst kind of person.

@alexmetal: Even though you didn't address the price of the computer, great points!