Joe OLeary

gregg is a fox! but yeah, this game is charming as the dickens. can’t wait to see where this weirdly beautiful story goes.

Easily, my favorite part of the film was the end scene with Vader chasing the Death Star plans after Scarif bites the dust. We’ve just watched every single protagonist we’ve come to love die in horribly painful fashion to complete their mission, and yet that’s not nearly the end of things. Their success would be

The best deal on the Wii U, always and forever, is Nintendo's $200 refurbished model with NintendoLand packed in. That Best Buy deal should only be for people who absolutely need that new console smell.…

This happens. A lot. When I saw Avengers at midnight, my theater started playing The Three Stooges, the last movie loaded into the digital projector and showing in that theater. I assume some places have workers who still aren't prepared to deal with digital projectors instead of analog ones. Others have managers who

Haven't seen this one since it first came out, but it's easily the best use of IMAX aspect ratios I've ever seen. When the camera pans over Cruise's shoulder at the top of the Burj Khalifa and the image expands from widescreen to full-screen, you can feel a slight unease and sense of nausea.

I just perform a Daft Punk cover.