
In other words, you were all set to write a Jez article criticizing critics for obsessing about Kate's weight. When they didn't come, you had to write your article anyway, so you wrote an article about the lack of critics obsessing about Kate's weight. Okeedoke.

I'm not saying that you don't have common sense or the ability to sift through complex issues. In fact, I'm sure you are a very intelligent person. I'm sorry if the way I brought about the discussion implied otherwise. But it is very irritating to medical professionals when someone who does not have a degree and has

Dude, there is seriously almost no major issue Golden Girls didn't address. Feminism, sexual liberation, AIDS, homosexuality, transgender, immigration, education, world peace (thank you for your letter, Rose!), you name it.

"the evil cardboard ones" - what? are you talking about the cardboard applicator? Cause i'd rather hang than buy something with plastic that's going to wash up on the shores of a south asian country or sucked into the great plastic island in the pacific. It's not like the cardboard applicator is the equivalent of

I'll trade you the plastic ones I buy by accident for your cardboard. I hate hate hate them. The idea of throwing plastic in a landfill for something I'll use for three seconds upsets me.

I find it pretty interesting that there are so many people who don't know anything my mom or her pregnancy and yet want to tell me, anything really.

Yeah, tooth brushing isn't as agressive as getting an actual cleaning, so it's OK. I have a heart murmur and so I actually have to take antibiotics every time I have my teeth cleaned because of the chance of the infection spreading to my heart. So there actually is real logic behind wanting pregnant women to be

The reasoning behind it is that when you get a teeth cleaning you can get a fairly significant amount of bacteria in your bloodstream afterwards (bacteremia). Not a problem for immune-competent people, but there could be issues with pregnancy. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with having to get a permission slip

My mom is and was a strong woman. The thing she lifted was a sewing machine, which she has lifted before.

My mom almosted died because she lifted something heavy during her pregnancy. Her baby was not so lucky. I know she still blames herself 30 something years after the fact. So when I see a pregnant woman lifting too much weight I get really concerned for her.

A tampon is the least sexy thing, like, ever. I don't even.

I'd bet the numbers would surprise you.

So wearing underwear is some kind of magical rape barrier or something?

Idea: excellent

Pineapples aren't crunchy fruit, angry guy. Seriously, as a fellow misophone, I understand the irrational rage, but you've got to tamp it down.

Demi Moore is dating the father of her ex-boyfriend Harry Morton; also, Harry Morton dated her daughter Rumer Willis in 2007.

Why would you attend Smith if you feel so strongly about avoiding gay people?

Is this article (the Jezebel article) meant as a joke? It is, right?

is this satire?

You must be new here. Have some chips, relax, and look at the map before you go blundering around.