
"Modernized" doesn't work for me. Half the charm of the books is the time and the place.

All of that PLUS this: Children adopted from orphanages often suffer from attachment disorders that can take years of therapy to begin to repair, not to mention any abuse (sexual, emotional, physical) that may have happened while in the care of the state.

Adoptive parents need to understand that it isn't going to be


And my gay ass is gonna call people on their bullshit.

Stupid shit like calling gay men "girl" is what contributes to making it difficult for young gay men to come to terms with their sexuality.

Yes, because coming out is so simple. It was even easier 10 years ago. There are no complex personal concerns like losing your family and friends or destroying your career. /sarcasm

Geez, that's a lot to put on one guy's head, don't ya think?

Sure, I want more people to come out, but fear is a powerful thing, and I'm not going to judge someone to the point of basically assigning responsibility for the deaths of children because they were afraid to come out and even lied about it.

Fuck, no

Just to nitpick - ambivalent = simultaneously holding contradictory feelings. It does NOT mean not caring (or "meh"). Love/hate relationship = ambivalent. Feeling lukewarm = something else.

You have access to Plan B should you have an unwanted pregnancy

Yes, this pedantic, and yes, you otherwise call it rape again and again. But I still think you need to change this sentence: "The woman was reportedly unconscious while Vandenburg had sex with her." He didn't "have sex" with her. He raped her. Stick an "allegedly" in there if you must. But call it what it actually was.

Most comic writers and artists are pretty conventional looking. And I've seen them attacked for not being "real comic fans" at conventions too. Apparently if you don't look like the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, you must not be for real.

As a straight male comic boom geek, I find you to be an absolute douchebag.
I get the character, and that's not the point. I also get Batwoman, and love JH Williams III as an artist, and I get why DC is on a real roll of fucking up. And these two instances (in one week!) are just the tip of the iceberg. Pure,


There are people who identify as homosexual who are asexual in behavior or choose not to engage in physical sexuality (just as there are people who identify as homosexual who are behaviorally asexual). Tim Gunn would be one well-known example.

This gif sums up my feelings:

Yeah, gross. Just you.

WHY NO ROLES FOR MUPPETS?! Unfair! Janice was BORN to play this part!

Interesting. Why 3? Are there any further limitations? Is a woman who's had only 3 partners but all in the same week more 'special' than, say, a woman who's had 4 partners over many years? Does 'specialness' decrease proportionately with each dick? Is a woman who's had 2 partners half as valuable as a woman who's had

My salty essence and genetic code is a gift from my father, and his father, and his father, and on it goes.

My freshwater pearl ovaries want nothing to do with a man who cannot distinguish "it's" from "its," regardless of his gilded spunk.