People pay for this service, and get this in return?
People pay for this service, and get this in return?
Overreacting? How old are you? And why should she just ignore it so that this utter cretin can just carry on doing it to other people?
Erin Gloria Ryan certainly doesn't realize she was a bully.
Yikes, you might be projecting just a wee. My life is oddly smack in the middle of the two parties, so I can see both sides.
On the one hand, both women's lives have elements that make them feel like successes (I have a child and while simply reproducing is not a success per se, seeing her grow and learn under my…
Holyfuck this is a white privlege/tears comment if i ever say one.
She's the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Not the "Queen of England".
If that was her intention I think she fails. The whole thing comes across as snobby. Like she truly wants to say "Well, you were mean to me but I have a degree and live in New York but you have a shitty house in a shitty town so nyah nyah!" but without irony or any sort of deep symbolic meaning to it all.
LOL! This comment made me laugh but also, get help.
Yeah, if I were Stacey and married with kids and happily living life in the 'burbs, and some random chick from eighth grade posted a long butt-hurt "your life sucks!" screed under my innocuous Facebook post, I certainly wouldn't curl up in a ball and cry and wish for her glamorous life and sparkling wit. I would just…
So you was a bully in school and this girl was a bully to you. It sounds like a wash.
Whoa. Did Stacey* also pick on you? Because that sounds reaaaally personal.
Yeah, I hate to say it but from what she wrote - it sounds like she may have very well been Stacey to another kid out there. It's the lesson we learned from Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion. Growing up, nearly everyone makes someone else feel like shit whether intentionally or unintentionally.
Yeah, and can the classist hatred. That's for the other side to muck about with. I actually think this urge to cyber-bully is one of those things that you confess to in private, and putting it out on the web makes you look a little small.
So, you were a little asshole who got out assholed by another kid. How about you just cut off contact with her and move on with your life?
I know a doggie that would love a play date!
Let's not forget Ayn Rand. It's red flag enough when it's simply on the bookshelf, though I'd never judge on that alone. But there's a certain type of self-involved libertarian that LOVES to bring up Ayn Rand in casual conversation, giving you ample warning about what's to come. Avoid. Or else learn like my friend,…
Don't forget The Bartlets.<3 <3 <3