
The thistle and shamrock are symbols of Scotland and Ireland.

for other women, for other people who feel like outsiders in their chosen fandom(s), for every kid who sat at home reading SFF when everybody else out went to a party and they felt so very lonely

I have this dream all the time. My college degree is "void" since I didn't technically graduate high school, so I have to re-take my senior year as a 30-year old. uggggh

I wonder how photogenic this woman will appear while she's making guttural animal screams in the midst of unmedicated labor.

Yep. Dunham nailed it. It's really hard to explain power dynamics to people who've never thought much about them, but those texts really show how unbalanced the power between Weiner and the female in question was.

Yup. "Female Gentical Mutilation"was a term created to specifically highlight the severity of the practice- and not by white western feminists. OP should consider that people are indeed using their words carefully. She may not agree with it but that doesn't make the rest of us wrong.

I don't think the term "female genital mutilation" came from the west. It came from a coalition of African people dedicated to eradicating it.

I'm overall uncomfortable with discussions of male circumcision and female genital mutilation in the same space because the first is a far more extreme procedure, but I do think they're both bad.

We're not even in the same fucking ball park, dude. We're not even on the same planet. Go cry-wank to mommy some more about how hard it is being a white male in the first world.

Some girls actually want this

Please do not mention circumcision and genital mutilation in the same sentence to indicate any similarity. Mutilation is the absolute correct word and circumcision is NOTHING LIKE IT.

Oh god not this again. Male circumcision while is bad and unnecessary should not be EQUATED with Female circumcision or FGM. FGM results in death people, death and bleeding profusely out of your reproductive organs. Did you not read the article?!

I have no strong opinion on male circumcision. I think it's generally unnecessary, but there's no comparison to a practice that leaves EVERY SINGLE woman who goes through it unable to have enjoyable sex for the rest of her life, and has such a high risk of other complications and early death.

Hmm. What would you call sewing a girl's vagina shut with thorns? What's the politically correct term for that?

Yes, there truly is an epidemic of males getting their penises ripped open with sharp rocks or whatever non-sterile objects are on hand, and then sewn shut with thorns, all without anesthesia.

Could we not do the funny gifs thing here? Please?

Cause not one single discussion of FGM mutilation can be allowed to happen without someone comparing it to male circumcision.

Probably the potassium; Coke or a banana works too.

Agreed... additionally sibling mating is really common in nature. Its stigmatized in most human societies for a variety of reasons that, largely, are related more to land and property than they are to genetics. It takes multiple generations of inbreeding to see the mutations that people joke about. They know what

What does it matter if you're making people uncomfortable so long as your curiosity's satisfied. You seem like a real winner.